Use "was brought to trial|be bring to trial" in a sentence

1. The prisoner was brought to court for trial.

2. He was brought to trial on charges of sedition.

3. She was the first woman to be brought to trial by an international tribunal.

4. Several months elapsed before his case was brought to trial.

5. They were brought to trial for treasonable conspiracy.

6. 22 Thirty police officers were brought to trial.

7. He was brought to the trial court because of his criminal actions.

8. They were brought to Tokyo for imprisonment and trial.

9. The men were arrested but not brought to trial.

10. Finally, after about ten months in prison, I was brought to trial and released.

11. As the first trial was broadcast live on radio in the United States, the Scopes trial brought widespread attention to the controversy over Creationism …

12. After the trial, Servetus was condemned to be burned at the stake.

13. More than six hundred polling-place workers and precinct captains were brought to trial.

14. The trial would generally be considered an Applicable drug clinical trial

15. The trial balloon was not to his advantage.

16. Yes The trial would generally be considered an Applicable device clinical trial

17. As the time for the trial drew near, Nottingham brought news that Gloucester was dead.

18. After much trial and error, we were able to bring Andrew’s seizures under control.

19. The bishops hired spies and informers to track down dissenting preachers and bring them to trial.

20. A Bungled robbery Because of the Bungled investigation, the accused men are free and will not be brought to trial.

21. When Paul was on trial, he appealed to Caesar.

22. The Contessa trial was the initial registration trial for the oral taxane tesetaxel

23. It was a farcical trial.

24. The trial brought the issue of sexual harassment out of the closet.

25. Moyamensing prison, to Awaithis trial

26. The fingerprint expert was asked to testify at the trial.

27. According to the trial the mare was really hot stuff.

28. The trial was a complete farce.

29. The trial was held in camera.

30. The prisoner's trial was a farce.

31. She was unjustly imprisoned without trial.

32. The trial was a mere farce.

33. 23 The trial was postponed indefinitely.

34. 3 The trial was adjourned indefinitely.

35. To access a magazine's free trial:

36. It might be deemed unethical, however, to perform a controlled trial.

37. Trial balance to facilitate hotel accounting.

38. The case never came to trial.

39. I ought to stress that this was only a trial balloon.

40. 5 Several alleged drug lords are to be put on trial.

41. They agreed to a trial separation.

42. At the trial that followed, I was sentenced to life imprisonment.

43. - Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT) The ALLHAT blood pressure trial

44. A trial must be fair and impartial.

45. Trial balance

46. The ARIEL4 trial was designed to be the Confirmatory phase 3 trial to further prove the benefit of rucaparib for this indication and was created in consultation with the FDA and the European Medicines Agency

47. It was agreed that Nazi war criminals would be put on trial.

48. The Owen trial was not in Nuremberg . It will be in Cologne.

49. The trial was a travesty of justice .

50. After the trial he was reappointed treasurer.

51. The Regional Trial Courts (RTC) are the main trial courts.

52. She was also one of the founder members of a super pool of judges which brought more than 450 Mafia members to trial.

53. The trial was Adjourned for a week

54. The defendant was released to await trial but had to surrender her passport.

55. It was a mockery of a trial.

56. BLANCH : What type of trial was conducted?

57. 3 Brady was on trial for assault.

58. The detective changed his holiday dates when his flight was brought forward and it now clashed with the trial.

59. * To remember when He was taken to Pilate and to Herod for trial.22

60. 3 This may be compared to the trial of a notorious murderer.

61. The interval between arrest and trial can be up to six months.

62. During your free trial period: You can create up to 10 user accounts during your trial period.

63. The trial was a mockery of justice.

64. The trial was a parody of justice.

65. What was the upshot of the trial?

66. The criminal trial jury was mostly black.

67. 4 She will stand trial / go on trial for fraud.

68. He refused to comment after the trial.

69. Finally, the trial was rescheduled to September 8, with no further delays.

70. Start a 14-dAy free trial to …

71. For these acts that stunned the world, many of the Nazi leaders were brought to trial after the war.

72. 3.3.6 Specifying that no subject should be admitted to a trial before the IRB/IEC issues its written approval/favourable opinion of the trial.

73. On 5 August 2009, the prosecution service's objection to the acquittals in the Politkovskaya trial was upheld by the Supreme Court, and a new trial was ordered.

74. Boder is set to stand trial Oct

75. You're released to me until the trial.

76. Therefore, the defendant will not be held to answer to these charges at trial.

77. The question of the Admissibility at trial of testimony refreshed or unlocked by pre-trial hypnosis is to be contrasted with the generally accepted inAdmissibility at trial of out-of-court statements made while under hypnosis

78. The first trial was a parody of justice.

79. The accused was released on bail pending trial.

80. Unorthodox or alternative medicine was not on trial.